CHAdeMO Releases 200 kW Specs. 400 kW Specs In Progress!

2018 Nissan LEAF – CHAdeMO charging inlet

The CHAdeMO Association boasted another solid year of growth for CHAdeMO in 2017  and came forward with a bold new announcement of 400 kW

CHAdeMO Infographics – 2017 Summary

First of all, the number of DC fast chargers with CHAdeMO plugs increased worldwide by 30% year-over-year to 17,700.

In Europe, the growth was even higher – 50% to 6,060.

Since 2010, around 775,000 plug-in cars with CHAdeMO inlet were sold (including 330,000 in Europe).

“CHAdeMO Association closed yet another very successful year in 2017. Not only have all fronts of the business of its members and collaborators grown, but it has also successfully consolidated its position as the international market leader.

New chargers sprang up everywhere in the world, and the number of CHAdeMO chargers grew by 30% last year, reaching a global total number of 17 700. An even bigger rate of increase was seen in the European region, where a 50% growth took place in 2017, ending the year with 6 060 charge points across Europe. Countries like Norway, Germany, United Kingdom, France and Ukraine went above and beyond with the expansion of their charging infrastructure.

In parallel with chargers, EV sales has boomed last year thanks to a growing awareness of the public on the utility and eco friendliness of electric cars and the increased market offers from the carmakers. As of 2017, 775 000 CHAdeMO compatible cars are on the roads, out of which 330 000 found a home in Europe.

The growth of EV industry pushed for geographical expansion of CHAdeMO. In 2017, ten new countries successfully installed their first CHAdeMO charger: Andorra, Barbados, Bulgaria, Georgia, India, Jordan, Kazakhstan, Philippines, Serbia, and Uganda.”

The CHAdeMO Association says that it is working on increasing power of the standard.

The CHAdeMO 1.2 version of the protocol was already published and enables charging at up to 200 kW (400 A).

The next step is the CHAdeMO 2.0 version of the protocol  that is promised to be released in early 2018. 2.0 increases the voltage to 1,000 V, which translates to up to 400 kW of power. That’s more than the 350 kW for CCS Combo, so both should remain competitive.

“Another great achievement was the publication of the 200kW (max 400A) specifications, followed by a successful connection test and demonstration. By implementing this protocol members will be able to develop high-power EV chargers that enable vehicles to be charged at a higher rate, catering to the increasing EV battery size. Furthermore, anticipating the diversifying charging needs of larger variety of EVs, CHAdeMO is working on a 400kW (max 1kV) protocol, which will be released early 2018.”

See Also – Nissan To Expand CHAdeMO Quick Charging Network In Europe By 20%

Makoto YOSHIDA, Secretary General of CHAdeMO Association, commented:

“Our plug being identical in any geographical region, with the emergence of second-hand EV market developing in different parts of the world on top of the new CHAdeMO EVs coming to the market, we expect the demand for CHAdeMO to stay strong. In view of the warning from IEC/ISO, we have reviewed the safety measures of CHAdeMO and feel confident that our technology provides safety, interoperability and is future-proof.”