Consumers from Asian countries, the ones that bet the most on the connected, electric and autonomous vehicle

January 20, 2020
Category: Faconauto News

Los consumidores de países asiáticos, los que más apuestan por el vehículo conectado, eléctrico y autónomo

This is ensured by a survey conducted by Deloitte Global Automotive that analyzes the perception of the connected, electric and autonomous vehicle among consumers.

All analyzes seem to indicate that the connected vehicle, the electric and the autonomous will mark the future of the automotive sector. However, there are still many challenges to face to reach the true expansion of these varieties of cars. But which countries are committed to the latest technologies in the vehicle?

According to a global study conducted by Deloitte, where more than 25,000 consumers have been surveyed in different markets, Asian countries are the ones that trust both the electric and the connected or the autonomous ones. In reference to the autonomous vehicle, China, for example, leads the list of countries with consumers who trust this variety most. Only 25% of them see them as “insecure.”

After China, the countries that rely more on autonomous vehicles are India or the Korean Republic. The truth is that, despite the passage of time, the self-employed’s confidence has not risen much compared to other years. Even in some other countries such as Germany or the United States, trust in them has diminished.

The commitment to low emission vehicles and connectivity

In this area, the dominance of Asian countries over other markets surveyed is remarkable. Both Chinese and Indian or Korean consumers have a large share that prefer low-emission vehicles over diesel or gasoline. In the case of China and India, more than half prefer environmentally friendly vehicles, 65 and 59% respectively.

The study also shows similar results in terms of preferences for connectivity. China (79%), India (76%) and the Korean Republic (60%) have the highest percentage of consumers who believe that the connectivity In the vehicle will bring a large number of advantages for driving.

Among many benefits, the reduction of traffic, the minimization of accidents and an improvement in the health of the vehicle stand out.

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