Mobility plan: WayzUp cofound a consortium

The car-to-work platform WayzUp has just invested in an innovative trio. With two other start-ups, it will be a question of proposing an accompaniment to the implementation of Mobility Plans in companies.

“The mobility plan is often seen by companies as an additional legal requirement, and we propose to turn this obligation into an opportunity for the company, with a financial return on investment.” It is in these terms that Julien Honnart, co-founder and president of WayzUp, presented the ambitious project in which he has just become involved. With two other start-ups, he has just co-founded a consortium devoted to the implementation of the mobility plans of French companies.

The other two convinced are Neo-Nomade and Green On, which have developed in the areas of mobility management and the reservation of co-working spaces, for one, and in bike sharing for the other. WayzUp and its car-to-work carpooling solution complete this package, in order to address companies with more than 100 employees, faced with the legal obligations in force since 1 January 2018.

This trio of a new kind will give substance to his project by creating a unique project management team. From then on, it will be able to support the customers in the realization of their project, from the research of specialized consulting firms to the management of the daily, while passing by the implementation. This team may also apply preferential rates, in the form of packaged offers, grouping the three value propositions.

For the record, WayzUp offers 100000 daily trips on its platform. 80% of registrants find a carpooler at the appointed time and thanks to strategic partnerships with transport services, journeys are included in the subscription cards in Paris, Lyon, Toulouse, Bordeaux, Lille, Nantes, Rennes, Grenoble and Orleans.