Villas, Ferraris and businesses: 237 citizens of income discovered


These are the results of a vast assessment by the Locri Finance Police, which revealed a branched fraud against public spending. The damage amounts to 870 thousand euros, money that will now be recovered after the yellow flames have reported the irregularities to INPS.

by Ivan Cimmarusti

January 23, 2020

Ville and Ferrari but with citizenship income: 237 in trouble

3 ‘of reading

The Single Substitute Declarations (DSU) contained falsified data – which concealed incomes of hundreds of thousands of euros – which had allowed 237 subjects to obtain the Income of citizenship. The aid, the flagship of the 5 Star Movement, had ended up being detained for mafia associations but also for an entire family unit linked to the ‘Ndrangheta. Not only that: some card holders were owners of villas and Ferraris.

Damage of 870 thousand euros These are the results of a vast assessment by the Locri Finance Police, which revealed a ramified fraud against public spending. The damage amounts to 870 thousand euros, money that will now be recovered after the yellow flames have reported the irregularities to INPS.

The falsification of the DSO investigation stems from checks on the large number of subjects already reported for the phenomena of “false agricultural laborers” as well as “false tax refunds”. This also revealed irregularities on the income side of citizenship. But let’s go in order. Already in September, the General Command of the Guardia di Finanza issued a directive which describes the “systems” of assessment to identify fraud on the subsidy. The starting point is the Isee (Indicator of the equivalent economic situation) and the DSU (Single substitute declaration). Documents that represent the basis for those who intend to benefit from state support. It is by analyzing these data on the economic situation of the various applicants that the first discrepancies emerge.

The update note of the DefGià in the update note of the 2018 Economic and Financial Document – which introduced the Citizenship Income – “was foreseen”, reads the directive, that “the control activities carried out by the Corps” should “be oriented to intercept the offenses committed, by begging, taking advantage of the spaces left for “self-declaration” “and, in perspective,” of those that would have remained in the request for payment of the benefit “.

The two arrested for ‘ndranghetaMa go back to the case of the 237. During the inspections it was ascertained the failure to indicate in the DSU of members of the registry household, the non-separated spouse, as well as the possession of income, movable assets (vehicles and motorcycles ) and buildings (land and buildings). Thus two subjects were discovered who are detained for the crime of mafia association arrested last summer in the “Canada Connection” investigation.

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