Stable membership, solid finances

IG Metall is becoming increasingly popular among young people: at the end of 2019, 132,108 apprentices and (dual) students belonged to IG Metall – an increase of 2,498 young members compared to the previous year. In the past ten years, the number of members from these groups has increased by almost 40,000.

There was also an increase in membership among women, employees and members without a German passport. “IG Metall is a diverse organization that is able to address very different groups of employees,” emphasized Christiane Benner, second chairwoman of IG Metall, at the annual press conference in Frankfurt.

Stable membership development

Overall, membership development was stable in 2019, although the positive development of 2018 could no longer be achieved. At the end of 2019, there were 2,262,571 million members, 8,000 fewer than in the previous year. Looking at the past decade, the number of members rose from 2.24 million to 2.26 million.

“This stable development cannot be taken for granted if you realize that employment in the auto industry is now declining, that temporary workers have been deregistered in rows, short-time work has been expanded and staff reduction programs have been implemented,” said Jörg Hofmann, First Chairman of IG Metall.

Rising earnings

“Financially, IG Metall is on a solid footing,” said Jürgen Kerner, main cashier of IG Metall. Last year, premium income was 598 million euros, 13 million more than in 2018. 90 million euros went into reserves and provisions for statutory benefits, for the company pension scheme of IG Metall employees and for political campaigns. Most of the premium income, EUR 218 million, went to 155 branches for their work at the grassroots. “We want to be strong in the factories on site and become stronger,” emphasizes Jürgen Kerner. “IG Metall is solidly sound and financially well positioned. She has staying power to fight collective bargaining. “

Tariff movement metal and electro 2020: IG Metall proposes future package

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