Volkswagen To Expand WeShare Car Sharing To 8 Cities, 8,400 BEVs

Volkswagen announced a bold expansion of its WeShare “free-floating” car-sharing system this year, which will soon operate in eight cities with a total fleet of 8,400 all-electric cars (from 1,500 currently).

Besides Berlin, where We Share was launched in mid-2019, the service is coming to:

  • Hamburg, Germany (Spring-2020 with 1,000 BEVs)
  • Prague, Czech Republic (Spring-2020)
  • Paris, France
  • Madrid, Spain
  • Budapest, Hungary
  • Munich, Germany
  • Milan, Italy

* In Prague and Budapest, WeShare will cooperate with ŠKODA. Other cities to use Volkswagen’s e-Golf and e-up! as well as the ID.3.

In Berlin, the fleet will count 2,000 BEVs (1,500 e-Golf and 500 e-up! as well as an undisclosed number of Volkswagen ID.3 from mid-2020).

Taking into consideration 2,000 BEVs in Berlin, and 1,000 in Hamburg, the remaining 5,400 for six cities translates into an average fleet size of 900 cars.

““For us, 2020 will be a year of dramatic growth,” says Philipp Reth, Chief Executive Officer (CEO) of WeShare. “We are convinced that all-electric free-floating car sharing will be a significant, scalable transitional element in the field of sustainable, shared mobility for a considerable time on the way to automated transport systems,” Reth adds. In his opinion, the objective must be to make a breakthrough with the wider public together with the cities. “We therefore hope that will receive support from the cities for example in the area of parking charges for car sharing vehicles or the designation of new car sharing areas in public spaces with a view to providing incentives for potential users and making car sharing even more interesting and relevant,” says Reth.”

WeShare – Berlin

After the first six months in Berlin (since June 2019), WeShare with 1,500 e-Golfs noted:

  • 50,000 registered customers (about three-quarters used the service at least once)
  • more than 3 million kilometers (1.9 million miles), which corresponds to an average of four to five trips per car and day”

The main issue is not a sufficient charging infrastructure.

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