Volkswagen is apparently driving forward the IPO of the truck division

For a long time Volkswagen has been flirting with an IPO of its truck business – now the group is making headway: According to “Handelsblatt”, the division is to be converted into a stock corporation in March.

Volkswagen-Zentrale in Wolfsburg

Volkswagen headquarters in Wolfsburg

Sunday, 04.03.2018
14:55 clock

“Brummis to the stock market”: Thus titled the SPIEGEL already in the summer of 2016 a report about the possible spin-off of the truck business from Volkswagen Chart zeigen, Now the corporation wants the division with the brands Scania and bring MAN to the stock market as soon as possible, reports the “Handelsblatt”. Accordingly, the foundation for this is to be created this month with the transformation of Volkswagen Truck & Bus GmbH into a stock corporation.

The aim is to achieve the “capital market capability” of the division with around 80,000 employees in this first step. In a next step, investment banks will be hired to promote potential investors. “On the stock market, the stock will then be traded for the first time in the spring of next year,” said a senior insider of the newspaper.

The possible initial public offering would be after the Siemens medical technology division Healthineers the second largest in a long time. Experts estimate that the Wolfsburg-based company could generate double-digit billions. According to group insiders, VW initially wants to retain the majority in the division.

However, the IPO according to “Handelsblatt” is not yet finalized. For this purpose, further resolutions of the Management Board and the Supervisory Board have to be made and also the works councils formally involved. This should happen in the coming weeks.

Volkswagen did not comment on the planned transformation of the division into a stock corporation. A spokeswoman, however, referred to earlier statements of responsible for the truck division VW Board member Andreas Renschler, who had called an IPO as a possible option.