Dealers don’t take full advantage of Facebook Ads

February 24, 2020
Category: Faconauto News

Los concesionarios no aprovechan al máximo las ventajas de Facebook Ads

This is ensured by a study conducted by Facebook Insights and the agency specialized in Paid Media, Honchō.

Social networks have become a useful tool for all types of businesses, also for automotive. Thanks to its advantages, the dealer can work on its brand and reputation, get customers and give visibility to its stock. One of the ways to grow in social networks and get your benefits faster is by using, for example, Facebook Ads. However, dealers are not working this tool quite well.

As indicated by a recent study prepared by Facebook Insights, dealers do not take full advantage of all the advantages offered by the Facebook payment platform. They point out that for a few months, automotive businesses can be directed directly to the customer by showing their inventory. In addition, they estimate that an ad on Facebook Ads can increase conversion rates by 25%.

As they point out, 63% of shoppers discover new cars through the Internet. However, according to Honchō, an agency specializing in Paid Media campaigns, dealers make weight mistakes when advertising on Facebook that prevents them from benefiting from all the above advantages. They indicate that “distributors group different brands and models in the same ads”. Instead, they believe it is more beneficial to “create individual ads that contain only one car brand and one model.”

Finally, from Honchō they explain that a campaign in Facebook Ads can not only be more profitable at the level of lead capture and traffic but also cheaper. According to their calculations, an ad on Facebook can be up to 40% cheaper than one, for example, on Google.

Dealers and social networks

In the last Faconauto Congress, Eolo Communication, communication and social media agency of Faconauto, analyzed what it was like the presence of dealers in social networks. The result was that distributors still have a lot of work to do: almost half of the dealers (49.4%) do not have Instagram, and there is a brief presence on other platforms such as TikTok (0%), YouTube (20%), LinkedIn (30%), or Twitter (41%).

In addition, dealers make different mistakes on Instagram that prevent them from growing faster and benefit from the advantages of this social network. The most prominent are the lack of information in the profile biography, a lack of humanization in the contents, the purchase of followers, the lack of periodicity in the publication or the non-use of the language of social networks.

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