Electric transporter: Swiss Post plans to end street scooter production in 2020


Deutsche Post will completely cease production of its electric vehicles in the course of 2020.

(Photo: obs / Accor Hotellerie Deutschland GmbH)

Bonn The German postal service will the production of their StreetScooter-Completely discontinue electric vehicles in the course of 2020. “There will be no new orders,” said a spokesman for the Post on Friday of the German Press Agency. The delivery of vehicles will probably continue until next year.

The group also announced that it no longer wanted to continue exploring for a buyer. As a result, “one-off adjustment expenses between 300 million euros to 400 million euros are expected”. The Post had been trying to find potential buyers for months.

Because of the economic slowdown in Asia through the corona virus Swiss Post restricts its annual forecast for 2020. The Group currently sees the effects of the Corona crisis as having negative effects on its operating result (EBIT) of around EUR 60 to 70 million for February compared to the original internal target value, Swiss Post announced on Friday.

The annual forecast of an operating profit (Ebit) of more than five billion euros is “subject to a not yet fully quantifiable effect from the corona-induced consequences, as well as before the expenses mentioned from the decision to use the street scooter”.

In 2022, Swiss Post wants to continue to achieve an operating profit of at least 5.3 billion euros. Last year, the logistics group posted an operating profit of 4.13 billion euros with sales of 63.3 billion euros, he said. Swiss Post was thus within the EBIT range of four to 4.3 billion euros announced for 2019.

More: Next boss change at Streetscooter: Jörg Sommer throws down

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