Lyft buys Halo Cars for digital advertising in cars

The travel agent Lyft buys the digital advertising startup Halo Cars.

If the car drives on its own, then make it possible advertising more sales inside the vehicle. This could reduce travel costs or they could be eliminated entirely. Even location advertisements, such as restaurants, could light up through the windows when you pass them. So far, however, advertising is still outside.

For driving services like Lyft it’s an extra bread, especially given that you’re still not in the black. Against this background, the purchase of the Halo Cars company should be located. The startup supplies and installs digital displays on the car advertisements,

The displays are usually located on the roof and could also be used for further information. Some travelers are already using the concept. According to Halo, travelers could earn an additional $ 400 a month. The details of the Lyft acquisition were not disclosed.

About David Fluhr

I have been writing about autonomous & connected driving since 2011 and also report on it on other sites, such as the Smart Mobility Hub. I studied social sciences at the HU Berlin and have been an independent journalist since 2012. Contact:

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