Seat repeats as the best selling brand in February and the Nissan Qashqai stands as the model preferred by the Spanish

March 3, 2020
Category: Faconauto News

Seat repite como marca más vendida en febrero y el Nissan Qashqai se alza como el modelo preferido por los españoles

In the accumulated of the year, Seat is positioned in first position in both frame and best-selling model in what we have of 2020.

The February registrations They have drawn a complex picture for dealers. Despite the 6% drop compared to 2019, Seat has positioned itself as the best selling brand in February. For its part, the Nissan Qashqai has been placed as the preferred model by Spanish buyers.

Seat has managed to deliver 8,556 units in February. This represents 1.68% more compared to the same month of 2019. Peugeot follows in the wake of the Spanish firm with 7,812 vehicles (-9.15%). Volkswagen and Renault, occupy the third and fourth position respectively with 6,880 units and 6,290 units accounted for.

In the accumulated of the year, Seat is also a leader. At the moment, it has registered 16,743 units, 4.34% less than in the first two months of 2019. The second and third positions went to Peugeot and Volkswagen, with 14,686 units (-9%) and 13,586 units (-2 , 33%).

Nissan Qashqai, the best selling model

As for the models preferred by buyers, in February a clear dominator has stood out: Nissan Qashqai It has been at the top with 2,550 units sold, 25.22% less. The previous one is followed by the Seat Leon, with 2,465 units (-4.12%); the Opel Corsa, with 2,109 units (-2.54%); the Ateca Seat, with 1,983 units (+ 20.69%); and the Fiat Tipo, with 1,938 units (+ 4.03%).

However, in the accumulated of 2020 again leads Seat with the Lion. This manages to record 4,695 units delivered between January and February, 15.21% less. It is thus placed ahead of the Nissan Qashqai, with 4,685 units (-12.92%) or the Ateca Seat, with 4,058 units (+ 46.6%).

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