Coronavirus Covid-19: Thermometers as soon as they get on the bus, the Peugeot-PSA factory in Sochaux is strengthening its measures

The car manufacturer is raising its level of protective measures in the face of the announced rise in the epidemic. Of the 8,000 employees, 1,500 are transported by coach. Measures will apply on this mode of transport to limit the spread of the virus.

Temperature measurement on boarding buses

From Monday March 16, the temperature measurement will be offered to the staff when the buses get on. This measure will be gradually implemented as the thermometers arrive. It comes in addition to the instruction issued to all staff, namely to take their temperature before leaving their home.

Reinforcement of bus lines

It is advisable not to sit next to each other but staggered. A service of 30% additional buses will be implemented as of Monday to allow the implementation of this recommendation.

A temperature measurement device has also been implemented at the site reception since Tuesday.

Cleaning and ventilation

The floor in the changing rooms is reinforced several times a day and the spaces are ventilated. Ventilation is switched on several times a day in the workshops to allow air renewal at each change of route. The openspaces are also ventilated during night cleaning. With the weather becoming mild in the coming days, it is recommended to also open windows during the day.

Hydroalcoholic gel

Distributors of hydroalcoholic gel are installed on certain stations justifying it, for example where materials are handled by several people.

Employees with fragile health can make themselves known

According to the FO union, management has announced that the most vulnerable employees can contact the occupational medical service or their personal doctor. The cleaning of all areas (offices, PIU areas, cafeteria, toilets, etc.) will be and will be intensified: more than 90 people hired to do these cleanings and the daily ventilation of the premises. Management is structured for possible absences for the babysitters. Additional staff will be put in place.

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