LIVE Michelin opens the ball of factory closings due to coronavirus

The coronavirus is gradually paralyzing French industry. Lack of parts, employees, or simply to respect instructions from the authorities and to preserve the health of the troops, some French industrialists are starting to close their production sites in France.

· One week break at Michelin

Stop. Michelin announced Monday morning a break in the production of its factories for a week in Spain, France and Italy because of the coronavirus. It is a question of respecting “the hygiene and containment measures put in place in these countries”, specified the spokesperson for the group. For the time being, this position prevails until Sunday March 22.

· PSA: meeting on all sites this Monday morning

The management of the French automaker’s sites all summoned staff representatives to a CSE this morning to discuss the health crisis and the consequences for the organization of work. The big boss Carlos Tavares has canceled all his trips to concentrate with his staff on the analysis of the impact of government measures. And announce “necessary decisions in good time”

The health situation in eastern France is tense, several unions suggest the closure of the Mulhouse factory, adding that the decision “was up to management”.

· Different scenarios under study at Renault

Within the Losange, factories are running “as expected” on Monday, a spokesman for the group told Reuters. The group says “work on different scenarios to adapt in the coming days the organization of work in its factories to the rate of expected absenteeism”.

· At Sanofi, we have to ensure production

Unlike other sectors that see their customers evaporate, pharmaceutical companies must continue to produce to meet drug needs . At Sanofi, it says that “everything is done to ensure the continuity of the activity of the sites.

More information to follow …

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