Deferred payment until Q4 for travel and tourism companies impacted by COVID-19

Map Source: EpiRisk

By: Peter Sirota

All travel and tourism apps can defer payment until Q4 for any use of Mapbox, no matter the costs and no matter the API. We see the ripple effect the pandemic is having on the economy and our customers in real time — especially the decrease in travel across the globe.

In moments like this, we know cash on hand is vital for making smart decisions in real time. We want our customers hardest hit to be able to take care of their teams and fund amazing app innovations that will change how people move and explore places on the map when the world recovers from this pandemic. We know the economic impact is going to get worse before it gets better. We want to help.

All payment deferrals to assist our customers in the travel industry are effective starting today and backdates to March 1st. Just reach out to your account manager with the subject “Deferred payment — travel app #COVID-19.”

Since January, we’ve seen the impact on the travel industry first-hand through the usage of our major travel customers. Across booking, trip guides, flight planning, and cruise lines usage has dropped between 50–85% below their typical consumption. These trends are unlikely to stop anytime soon as more and more travel restrictions go into effect, and major corporations halt business travel and cancel trade show events. As CNBC reported,

“Amid mounting travel restrictions and growing fear of COVID-19, Tourism Economics is forecasting a 10% drop in international visits to the U.S a year, about double the decline the U.S. faced during the outbreak of severe acute respiratory syndrome, or SARS, in 2003.”

Over the last few weeks, we’ve been working with companies like CDC, WHO, HealthMap, and more to monitor the pandemic and provide communities with reliable resources for making data-driven decisions on how to respond. If you’re building maps for monitoring and informing communities, reach out to our team as well.

Like our customers, we’re building for the future — and like our customers, we know what it’s like to be scrappy and make every dollar count. Again, all payment deferrals to assist our customers in the travel industry will cover costs back to March 1st, just reach out to your account manager or if you don’t have an account manager email with the subject line “Deferred payment — travel app #COVID-19.”

Peter Sirota

Maps feature data from Mapbox and OpenStreetMap and their data partners.

Deferred payment until Q4 for travel and tourism companies impacted by COVID-19 was originally published in Points of interest on Medium, where people are continuing the conversation by highlighting and responding to this story.

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