What we want to achieve now for employees

The corona virus threatens us all. The imperative of the hour is solidarity. In large parts of the country, the German economy is facing a de facto standstill that we will not be able to master without the state’s decisive action.

The federal government has already made far-reaching decisions to support companies and the economy and with the Extension of short-time work Protect jobs.

Last Friday there was a crisis meeting at the chancellery with unions and employer representatives to agree further steps together.

Another important date is the meeting of Federal Minister of Labor Hubertus Heil (SPD) and Federal Minister of Economics Peter Altmaier (CDU) with the social partners on Wednesday (March 18).

The meeting will deal with important questions that are now being asked by employees across the republic: for example, how to deal with the short-term work benefit or the rules for cross-border commuters.

Our main concerns for employees are:

Protection of workers from the spread of the corona virus
No disadvantage of employees in production compared to other groups of employees
Subsidy payments by employers for short-time work to secure net wages
Income and job security for parents who cannot work due to the nationwide closure of daycare centers and schools

On the subject of continued payment of wages for parents who care for their children due to the nationwide school closings and therefore cannot work, the Minister of Labor appealed to the employers at the weekend to find unbureaucratic solutions.

Appropriate solutions are to be discussed at the social partner summit and, if possible, recommended for rapid implementation.

IG Metall is aware of its responsibility and, together with the other DGB unions, is also working on solutions that will be introduced tomorrow.

The effects of this unprecedented pandemic are challenging everyone in this country. We face this responsibility.

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