The Government suspends the terms to carry out the ITV during the time that the state of alarm is prolonged

March 18, 2020
Category: Faconauto News

El Gobierno suspende los plazos para efectuar la ITV durante el tiempo que se prolongue el estado de alarma

This was announced by the Ministry of Industry, Commerce and Tourism on the occasion of the measures adopted to stop the expansion of the coronavirus.

The state of alarm, declared on the occasion of the health crisis caused by the coronavirus, is paralyzing the entire country. One of the last known news is that the Government suspends the terms to pass the ITV. They will be suspended for the duration of the alarm state announced last Friday.

It has been announced by the Ministry of Industry, Commerce and Tourism while they have communicated it to the Spanish Association of Collaborating Entities with the Administration in the Technical Inspection of Vehicle (Aeca-ITV). The latter asked the government for this measure to prevent an increase in the number of cases and to stop contagion.

“In accordance with the third additional provision of Royal Decree 463/2020, of March 14, declaring the state of alarm for the management of the health crisis situation caused by Covid-19, the deadlines imposed by the administration to carry out inspections are suspended “, indicates the text sent by the Ministry to the association. This has been collected by Europa Press.

Auto insurance will have the same protections

Another matter of interest dealt with in the last days refers to auto insurance protections during the alarm state. The Unespa Insurance Business Association has indicated that during the state of alarm the car insurance will work in the same way that it usually does.

“Auto insurance works as usual. It is not changed by the declaration of the alarm status. The protections are the same, both civil liability (third party insurance) and complementary guarantees, “they point out.

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