UGT FICA calls for Faconauto’s recommendation to keep the workshops closed, except for the emergency service

March 18, 2020
Category: Featured press, Faconauto News, Press releases

UGT FICA pide que se cumpla la recomendación de Faconauto de mantener los talleres cerrados, salvo para el servicio de emergencia

It also supports the establishment of an emergency service to serve key customers and sectors to deal with the crisis

The Federation of Industry, Construction and Agriculture of the General Union of Workers (UGT FICA) requests today in a statement that the sectoral action protocol drawn up by the management of the concessionaires be complied with, Faconauto.

In this it is recommended, following the recommendations of the health authorities, the closure of all the facilities of the official dealer network. Both those dedicated to the sale and repair of vehicles in the national territory. A closure during the 15 calendar days that the Government has established in which the state of alarm will apply.

For UGT FICA, the closing of the workshops is necessary to fulfill the first objective that society has right now. And that is none other than stopping the expansion of the coronavirus and avoiding deaths. In this regard, it has positively valued the fact that the concessionaires have prioritized with this decision to safeguard at all times the safety of their workers, as well as that of their customers.

In the same statement, the union organization has also considered the recommendation made by Faconauto to be necessary. In this way, they consider it appropriate for dealers to start up an emergency service and equipment, with a telephone number enabled for this purpose. This will only support priority repair and maintenance services for key sectors during the crisis. As for example they are the one of transport and logistics, agricultural sector and the sanitary one.

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