Coronavirus, the hypothesis that FCA can “convert” to the construction of respirators takes shape

What if instead of FCA cars (together with Ferrari) he converted to the construction of respirators? It is the hypothesis that is taking shape in these hours and that would see the Lingotto group engage personally with some of its factories to collaborate with the Bolognese Siare Engineering, the only Italian company capable of producing lung fans, a precious commodity in this nightmare period Coronavirus to equip the resuscitation departments.

Magneti Marelli would also find space in the project: the goal would be to convert some Italian factories to this new activity. With the (equally concrete) hypothesis that the same move can be made on the US chessboard, where obviously the “Chrysler” leg of the Group that has the managing director in Mike Manley rests. Across the ocean, Ford and General Motors would also be ready to join the game.

In fact, there would be many overlapping points between the production of this medical device and the automotive sector. According to Reuters, the dialogues between FCA and the Preziosa family are already beyond the pour parler, having identified numerous elements in common between the two realities, starting with electronics.

The range of hypotheses on the table is quite wide: it ranges from the simple collaboration of FCA which could provide technicians and know-how to Siare, up to – as mentioned – the conversion of some plants, thus also exploiting the supply chain and supply relationships of the automotive group . As for Ferrari, of course, the location identified could only be Maranello.

Every hypothesis will be taken into consideration, every road explored: the goal – as already stated by Siare – is to go from 150 to 300 respirators produced in a week. And there is no time to waste.

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