The Government allows vehicle workshops to be opened during the state of alarm only to serve freight carriers

March 20, 2020
Category: Faconauto News

El Gobierno permite abrir los talleres de vehículos durante el estado de alarma solo para atender a transportistas de mercancías

Therefore, the Ministry of Transport does not allow its opening to the general public.

Since the state of alarm was declared there has been a lot of confusion about whether or not vehicle repair shops and dealer services could open. Almost a week later, the Government announces that it allows the workshops to be opened only to serve freight forwarders during the state of alarm.

Therefore, the order published in the BOE by the Ministry of Transportation stresses that the workshops must remain closed to the general public since their opening is not allowed. Only merchandise transporters may be attended with the aim of guaranteeing supply throughout the country.

At the same time, this new document also makes it possible to open up vehicle parts and accessories sales establishments with “direct sales to repair shops”. In addition, they will also be able to open the establishments of related activities of sale of parts and accessories “with direct sale to the repair shops”.

In all cases, and although opening to the general public is not allowed, these establishments must follow the recommendations given by the health authorities. Always to avoid the spread of the coronavirus.

Faconauto’s recommendations

Faconauto has recommended, out of responsibility, that official dealers also cease their workshop activity, except for an emergency service. It is understood to be the way to contribute to the first objective today. This is none other than halting the spread of the pandemic and protecting the health of its employees and customers.

In this regard, the employer recalls that, given the risk of contagion in the workshops, to date there is no verified procedure that allows the cleaning and cleaning of customer vehicles with effective sanitary guarantees.

Likewise, it has been recommended that dealerships start up an emergency service and equipment, with a telephone number enabled for this purpose. This will only support priority repair and maintenance services for key sectors during the crisis. As for example they are the one of transport and logistics, agricultural sector and the sanitary one.

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