Exploring From Home: A map coloring book

From your working-from-home friends at Mapbox

By: Madison Draper

From working in castle-like pillow forts, to fending off pool noodle attacks during conference calls, Mapbox’s global staff are finding creative ways to keep their children entertained and enriched while working from home and with schools closed during this COVID-19 epidemic.

Mapbox Support Engineer Rafa, and his personal support team.

We’ve compiled a printable coloring book to help parents and kids explore the world from your couch or kitchen table. Usually, we spend a lot of time thinking about how to style roads, land, water, terrain, and points of interest. Now the map styling is up to your imagination —and whatever art supplies you have on hand.


Our favorite places

Our team submitted locations for you and your family to color and learn about. From our offices to our hometowns to interesting geographies in the world, these are maps of some of our favorite places in the world.

Make more pages

If you and your children zoomed through the coloring book, you can add the map style here and follow these steps to make your own high resolution 8.5” x 11” map prints for coloring:

  1. Click this link to add the map style to your Mapbox Studio account.
  2. If you don’t have an account, you’ll be prompted to create one. It’s free.
  3. With the style open in Mapbox Studio, search for your favorite location in the search box.
  4. Pan (click and drag) and zoom to the perfect view. (If you want to get fancy you can ctrl + click to adjust the pitch and bearing of the map.)
  5. Click print.
  6. Adjust the dimensions to fit your paper and margins. You can print up to 8000 x 8000!
  7. Press export to download the high-resolution map print.
  8. Open the file and print.

Share your maps

Social distancing does not include social media! Use #exploringfromhome to share your kid’s (or your own) creations.

Sophie’s #exploringfromhome. The beautiful thing about the mind of an almost-three-year-old is that it is not yet constrained by the barriers of borders, roads, buildings… or aesthetics.

We hope this coloring book is a fun activity you can do with your kids, or helps them go wild through the Amazon of their imagination (and not your living room) while you’re on that video call. We can’t wait to see what you color!

Madison Draper – Designer – Mapbox | LinkedIn

Maps feature data from Mapbox and OpenStreetMap and their data partners.

Exploring From Home: A map coloring book was originally published in Points of interest on Medium, where people are continuing the conversation by highlighting and responding to this story.

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