Publications – Position Paper: Charging and re‐fuelling infrastructure required for heavy‐duty vehicles

The rapid deployment of a sufficiently dense network of charging points and re-fuelling stations for alternatively‐powered heavy‐duty vehicles is one of the key prerequisites for a successful transition to carbon‐neutral road transport.

This position paper sets out ACEA’s estimates of the minimum infrastructure requirements, based on the recent political developments driving the shift to alternative fuels and carbon neutrality, as well as the ambitious truck CO2 reduction targets set for 2025 and 2030.

  • Already by 2025, approximately 24,000 charging points with DC<100 kW capacity (4,000 publicly‐accessible ones plus 20,000 depot stations), 11,000 stations with DC350 kW and 2,000 charging points with DC>500 kW will be required for electric trucks.
  • By 2030, these figures will have to increase significantly to roughly 250,000 DC<100 kW charging points (of which 200,000 depot), 20,000 publicly‐accessibly points (DC 350 kW) and 20,000 public fast‐charging points (DC> 500 kW).
  • Likewise, it is essential that enough truck‐ and bus‐specific hydrogen (LH2/CH2) and gas (CNG/LNG) stations are available across the EU at the latest by 2025, and that their number increases significantly by 2030.

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