TOYOTA Connected and NTT DATA announce new business alliance to collaborate on mobility service business

TOYOTA Connected and NTT DATA announced a new business alliance to increase the functions and services of the Mobility Service Platform (MSPF) offered globally by Toyota Motor Corporation in order to expand connected car markets and countries and increase software development capabilities and expand operations.

In the automotive industry, the value of cars is changing significantly, due to diversification of market needs, the development of new areas such as MaaS and CASE, the entry of new industries utilizing IoT technology, and the emergence of new services such as ride-sharing and car-sharing. In ICT industry on the other hand, with the rapid progress of cloud services, big data, AI, and other cutting edge technologies, completely new digital services are emerging at an amazing speed, leading to the emergence of an era of direct impact, in which businesses depend on them to expand.

Toyota entered this era by announcing its Connected Strategy at the end of 2016. In order to accelerate MaaS initiatives, Toyota has connected all the cars they offer and are promoting the deployment of MSPF that supports the MaaS strategy. Toyota Connected will develop MSPF and operate its cloud data center for big data collected from connected cars, which are increasing by millions each year worldwide. They are operating in seven global regions, primarily in Japan and the United States.

Through these initiatives, the strengths of both TOYOTA Connected, and NTT DATA will be combined in their core mobility services business area. This will allow them to develop a more robust MSPF and strengthen their business by utilizing their growing library of vehicle big data.

TOYOTA Connected brings its experience in the business of connected car service, as well as its know-how in service development and operations such as car sharing, which have been developed in Japan and overseas. These will be multiplied by NTT DATA’s global IT resources and know-how in utilizing technologies such as cloud and big data. Both companies will work to strengthen and advance their global development and operation capabilities through collaboration and personnel exchanges in the mobility services business, including MSPF.

In the mid-term, both companies will work to maximize their cooperation and synergy, utilizing the customer contact points of TOYOTA Connected and the wide-ranging customer base of NTT DATA, which includes industries such as distribution, retail, and finance, in order to enhance the service capabilities of MSPF with regard to the Smart City Initiative, and further expand the platform business on a global scale.

Through this business alliance, TOYOTA Connected and NTT DATA will share the sense of values, which will contribute to the creation of a rich and exciting mobility society through the provision of services created together.

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