Emission standard Euro 6d seems to work wonders: Environmentalists praise new diesel cars

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Emission standard Euro 6d apparently works wonders Environmentalists praise new diesel cars

DS 7 Crossback aus dem PSA-Konzern


DS 7 Crossback from the PSA Group

At the Geneva Motor Show VW CEO Matthias Müller once again astonished his listeners. “I believe the diesel will be renaissance in the foreseeable future,” said Müller, And that, as the main competitor Toyota Show stock market chart almost at the same time announced, from the diesel technology exit, “VW continues to dream” headlined a German capital newspaper,

Meanwhile, however, the signs are thickening that the diesel has a real chance of making a comeback. Because also this week, the French PSA group published Show stock market chart Exhaust gas readings for some of its new diesel cars to meet the new Euro 6d-Temp standard.

The results are impressive. Thus, for example, a Peugeot 308 SW emits only 52 milligrams of nitric oxide (NOX) per kilometer. From 2020, the limit is 120 grams. It must be measured under real driving conditions on the road.

That’s what Peugeot said it did. In addition, the company was controlled by external organizations: the French environmental protection umbrella organization FNE, the certification agency Buerau Veritas and the European environmental lobby group Transport & Environment (T & E).

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The two other published results are even better. Accordingly, a Citroën C3 emits 40 milligrams of NOX per kilometer, a DS 7 Crossback even only 30. The Peugeot cars are among the first cars of the new emission standard Euro 6d-Temp, to which nitrogen oxide readings are known.

“The measurements show excellent results for nitrogen oxides and the number of fine dust particles”, shared T & E, The organization is one of a number of groups that have been harshly criticizing automakers for years for inadequate emissions control and engine manipulation.

Vehicles of less stringent standard Euro 6 are valid, with exceptionsas a mudflap, According to the Federal Environment Agency, they emit an average of 507 milligrams NOX per kilometer on the road. The limit on the test bench is 80 milligrams.

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