Coronavirus: in Hordain, a “health protocol” at PSA to prepare for recovery

We know Toyota’s takeover datein Onnaing, but still not that of the PSA factory in Hordain, closed since the start of the coronavirus crisis.

2,500 employees for 70 hectares

Normally, 2,500 employees work in this 70 hectare area, near Valenciennes, one of the five assembly plants of PSA in France. But since March 18, the site, from which 580 vehicles leave each day, is empty and quieter than ever.

However, “no question of waiting for the moment of a resumption to hastily mount a sanitary device”, advance the group. If no date has yet been set, around a hundred health measures have been installed to prepare for the gradual return of staff, with only 1/6 of the workforce initially.

From the outside entrance, markings painted on the ground indicate the positions to be respected in queues where each employee will be given a bottle of hydro-alcoholic gel, surgical masks and protective glasses. The temperature measurement – which must not exceed 37.5 ° C – will be systematic.

In the huge warehouse housing the shoeing workshop, ribbons and markings indicate the areas to be respected. Hand towel and disinfectant rolls near the microwave, adhesive on the tables to limit them to one person, posters, no vis-à-vis: measures are not confined to workstations.

“We realized that with a few exceptions, the distance of one meter is present from the start in the nature of our processes. However, it is in all related spaces – routes, team areas and rest, catering, changing rooms – which it appeared to be the most difficult to materialize “, explains to AFP Luc Samsoen, HRD of the Hordain site.

Showers condemned, staff already dressed …

Thus, for access to the changing rooms, “we have set up a ticket system which regulates entry” and employees will be “encouraged to come already dressed”.

Showers have been condemned, as have water fountains. As for distributors, the use of a pen will be compulsory.

Informed, employees welcome this protocol rather positively but some fear that it will be useless in the event of premature recovery.

“Certain measures will need to be tested. Only by gradually integrating employees can we improve them” even if “zero risk does not exist”, recognizes Frédéric Jarosset, FO secretary.

No race for productivity, for management

Only condition: “That the peak is passed. We must not go too fast. If the management accepts to waste a little time and not to target only the production, I think that the safety of the employees can be respected”, estimates he. While the drastic fall in the European car market (-55% in March) clouded forecasts, management assured it: the race for productivity is “not the subject”.

The CGT, for its part, is more reserved, fearing that these new habits create “a deleterious climate”.

“With only 17 seats in the rest area, will it happen in the musical chair?” Asks Franck Théry, secretary general of CGT. “And, in the event of an emergency evacuation, how will we do it?”

“Self-discipline, a major element”

“We have implemented a lot of things” but “all of this will only work if people play the game,” warns Jean-Pierre Papin, communications manager. “Self-discipline will be the major element of this system.”

Mr. Samsoen wants to be optimistic: “certain behaviors will remain at the end of this health crisis, which will be more adapted to living in community in a professional environment, which is a good thing”.

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