Ford kills Rivian deal with Lincoln (for now) amid economic challenges during pandemic


Ford and Rivian put their plans on ice to jointly develop a Lincoln-brand electric vehicle, a Lincoln spokeswoman confirmed on Tuesday.

Ford said the current economy has created new and unexpected challenges, so this particular project is being postponed, said Angie Kozleski, Lincoln spokeswoman.

The environment is changing rapidly. Just as any prudent business would do, we continue to review and adjust our plans accordingly.”

“Our partnership with Rivian remains strong and unchanged,” Kozleski told the Free Press.

More: Ford, Rivian to build Lincoln’s first fully electric vehicle

More: Rivian, in Detroit’s backyard, nabs $700M Amazon investment. Now what?

In January, the Dearborn-based automaker said the Lincoln electric luxury vehicle would use Rivian’s flexible skateboard platform. Ford had previously noted that it would work with Rivian on an electric vehicle but had not said it would be a Lincoln.

“Working with Rivian marks a pivotal point for Lincoln as we move toward a future that includes fully electric vehicles,” Lincoln President Joy Falotico said in a news release in January. 

Reporter Eric D. Lawrence contributed to this story.

Contact Phoebe Wall Howard at 313-222-6512or Follow her on Twitter @phoebesaid. Read more on Ford and sign up for our autos newsletter.

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