The training at Arcelormittal and Accumotive continues

Learn at home at Arcelormittal in Eisenhüttenstadt

The time off for the trainees from Arcelormittal in Eisenhüttenstadt lasted seven weeks. Instead of the training Learning at home was the order of the day in the company and vocational school. All because of corona. “Every week we were given tasks that we were supposed to do at home with a lot of math,” says Anny Klauk. “A demanding weekly program. Without a schedule you would have got into a skid. ”

Anny is in Arcelormittal’s first year as an industrial mechanic. Learning at home had its charm. “We formed working groups with each other and exchanged ideas via messenger services. It worked out well and was fun. But now I’m happy that I can work practically again, ”says the 22-year-old.

Jens Liebelt, as training manager at Arcelormittal in Eisenhüttenstadt, is responsible for almost 200 trainees and dual students. His conclusion after almost two months of training in remote mode: “The trainees have made good progress in developing the material. There were actually no gaps. On the contrary, they learned to organize through the special situation. It was very important to convey to them that we are there for them. ”

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The cooperation with the qualification center in Eisenhüttenstadt was very good. The trainees were able to learn a programming language online in a special course via the so-called digital classroom. “This has never been done before,” says Liebelt. The apprentices are now divided into two shifts for the ramp-up of training in the company. The instructors teach in small classes so that the distance is kept. The first shift starts at 6 a.m. and lasts until 12 p.m. At home, the trainees then do their homework. The trainees’ late shift runs from 12.30 to 6.30 p.m.

“It is important to me that everyone involved takes the experience of the corona break with them and starts training with a new impetus,” says Liebelt. His eyes are already on the next year, which starts in September. “Unfortunately, we cannot go to vocational school fairs and schools this year to provide information about our training opportunities. But we are doing a lot about social media now, ”says Liebelt. Job interviews and aptitude tests will continue to take place in real life. At Arcelormittal the number of apprenticeships will remain. “We take at least 54 young people a year, and it has to stay that way,” says Dirk Vogeler, Chairman of the Works Council. “It is important that we train ourselves and give the young people a perspective.”

Accumotive in Kamenz: Stays in the company made possible

At Accumotive, 36 young employees are in training and 11 are completing one dual study. Lydia Strenzke has been the chair of Accumotive since. The trained automotive mechatronic engineer is now studying industrial engineering in Bautzen. At Accumotive, a 100 percent Daimler subsidiary, the trainees also spent several weeks in their home office. The instructors sent them tasks by email. Stays in the company were also possible on a daily basis. Practical work is important for exam preparation. The dual students were able to do most of their work in the home office. The lectures took place online. The university reacted very quickly. At Lydia, the days looked like this: morning online lecture, in the afternoon doing exercises to match the lecture. The results were sent to the profes and compared in the next lecture.

No cutbacks in training positions

“We at JAV had a lot to do in this phase. We regularly produced a newsletter to provide trainees and dual students with important information, ”says Lydia. “We as a committee also participated in the IG Metall webinar for JAV members. This was extremely well received with over 200 participants. The content was very helpful. “

Training at the company at Accumotive is now starting up again. “The Corona mandatory break has strengthened our team spirit enormously,” says Lydia. “Everyone involved has had the experience that a high standard of training was also possible in this exceptional situation.” The hiring of new trainees is also proceeding as planned without any cuts. “It is not a matter of course. This is a role model for the region. “

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