Renault: Batilly, the other problem factory

In Batilly, the Renault factory which produces Masters vans, the moment of truth will take place this Monday, around 9 p.m. At that time, in the Sovab-Renault factory in Meurthe et-Moselle, the management and elected officials of the CSE will scrutinize with extreme attention the crossover between the afternoon team, who leaves his post at 9:48 p.m., and the 400 operators and 200 temporary workers who will take theirs at 9 p.m.

It was the resumption of the night shift, after long weeks of stoppage due to the coronavirus. Claiming a stricter health distancing than what is expected, the CGT, SUD, CFDT, CFTC and FO intersyndicale no longer excludes from exercising a right of withdrawal in summary proceedings. The management believes, for its part, to have implemented, in connection with its medical service, a rigorous protocol integrating the questions of employees to better answer them.

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