The dealers made discounts of up to 5,000 euros per car in May

June 8, 2020
Category: Faconauto News

Los concesionarios realizaron descuentos de hasta 5.000 euros por coche en mayo

This is confirmed by the data from promoCAR, belonging to the Kantar Media consultancy, provided to CincoDías.

Since the opening of the concessions, distributors have made great promotional efforts with the aim of reviving sales. Now, those sacrifices have numbers. According to data from promoCAR, belonging to the consulting firm Kantar Media for Five days, dealers made discounts of up to 5,000 euros per car during the month of May.

The previous figure represents a 24% discount from the average price of a vehicle (24,000 euros). The increase in promotions and discounts after the COVID-19 crisis is more visible when compared to those made during the previous year. From April to June there is an increase of 13% in the average discount per vehicle sold compared to the previous year.

Especially strong have been discounts to vehicles in stock that have experienced price reductions of up to 74%. Discounts have also been applied to after-sales services and insurance. Specifically, 14% and 21% respectively.

“With the health crisis, brands have focused on keeping dealerships safe through financial aid. But, once it comes to an end, you have to support them commercially ”, says the managing director of promoCAR, Marc Cartañá.

Efforts that are not enough

However, despite all these facilities made available to customers, sales still do not pick up the pace prior to the COVID-19 crisis. For this reason, Faconauto calls on the Government to launch an “urgent” plan for the automobile sector that reactivates the demand.

“As much as we strive, dealers and brands, to put powerful promotional efforts and initiatives on the table, something else is needed. This plan to reactivate demand, already announced, but not materialized with the sector, cannot wait any longer. It is necessary, it will have immediate positive effects and it will change a dynamic that is putting our survival to the test, ”says Raúl Morales, communication director for Faconauto.

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