20 billion euros of Volkswagen’s partnerships in electric batteries

On the occasion of its annual results, presented Tuesday, March 13 in Germany, the car manufacturer Volkswagen has announced invest about 20 billion euros to develop projects in the field of electric vehicles. The German group plans to expand its production of electric vehicles to sixteen factories around the world by the end of 2022, he said. He began last year to search in China, in Europe and North America electric battery technology providers as part of a global investment of more than 50 billion euros. A decision for North America will be made soon, he said.

80 new models of electric cars by 2025

The group as a whole plans to launch 80 new electric car models by 2025 and offer an electric version for each of its 300 models by 2030.

Volkswagen has also confirmed its forecast of a rise in sales and turnover this year and an operating margin between 6.5% and 7.5%, against 7.4% per year latest.

Operating profit of its high-end brand Audi amounted to 5.06 billion euros in 2017, compared to 4.85 billion euros last year, while the underlying result of Porsche climbed to 4.00 billion euros against 3.73 billion in 2016.

With Reuters