Drone takes over in an emergency at Ford – patent

The automaker Ford filed a new patent, which deals with autonomous driving.

What happens if the Autonomous Car does not know what to do in the future? For example, if a sensor and the redundancy level are damaged and the perception of the car is impaired.

Sensorersatz per Drohne - Fordpatent.

Sensor replacement by drone – Ford patent. Source: dronebelov

The new one patent from the house ford is dedicated to this question. You had researched it before and developed one Remote control as a solution in case of emergency. If the vehicles neither over steering wheel still has pedals, otherwise it will be difficult to continue driving.

But if the sensors are damaged, it needs new eyes and ears – which could come in the form of a drone. It connects to the vehicle and transmits the data. Thanks to the drone sensor system, the car could resume the journey to the next workshop.

Ford has already filed a few patents on networking and autonomous driving, not all of which are likely to see the light of the factory floor.
