The British dealership that is in full commercial boom due to its online channel and contactless deliveries

June 29, 2020
Category: Faconauto News

El concesionario británico que se encuentra en pleno auge comercial debido a su canal online y las entregas sin contacto

The group of dealers Imperial Cars is registering records of visits on its website and expects June to end with historical figures at the commercial level.

Despite the fact that the COVID-19 crisis has paralyzed the automobile market, many dealerships are successfully reactivating sales. A few days ago, at Faconauto, we told you the history of the United States dealership that broke sales records in May. Now, it is a British dealer who is in full commercial boom, mainly due to its online channel and contactless deliveries.

It is the group of Imperial Cars dealers, with more than 17 points of sale in the United Kingdom. It ensures that its business is booming due, in large part, to the fact that the company offers a wide range of tailored services for its clients and contactless delivery. They indicate that their digital channel is being key in the recovery as it is reaping figures not seen so far.

Traffic to the dealer’s website is increasing 80% each month. They hope that June will end up becoming a record month. But what is causing this milestone? From Imperial Cars they believe that it is due to its variety of services. Among other solutions, they enable customers to defer payment on their new car for up to three months.

In addition, its ‘Click, Call, Collect / Deliver’ service is reaping great success to date due to its flexibility and security. Customers can complete the entire purchase process online without even visiting the dealership. Video calls are essential for the new way of working of the group of dealers, since in this way they humanize contact with the customer.

Customer experience, the dealers’ main concern

The objective of Imperial Cars is for the user to live the shopping experience, whether it is done in person or online. “We have always made sure that when a customer buys one of our vehicles, the experience is simple, honest and enjoyable,” says Imperial Cars COO Neil Smith.

“It doesn’t matter if a customer chooses to pick up their car in one of our showrooms or if they experience our contactless service. You can be sure that you will get the best possible service. That is our highest priority while ensuring the health of employees and buyers, “he explains.

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