Tesla Model X Towing & V3 Supercharging: Live Stream Questions Answered

While we are all about praising folks for their outstanding YouTube video production, eye candy, seamless editing, and well-planned scripts, sometimes a good raw live stream is more educational. Sure, there may be lower quality, some blips here and there, unplanned or unrehearsed footage, etc., but you still often get a solid idea of the reality of the subject.

Our friend over at All Electric Family recently broadcasted a live stream during their long camping trip. The focus is on V3 Supercharging their new Tesla Model X, and whether it will charge at 250 kW. However, they start the live stream while driving to the charging station in Emporia, KS, which gives them time to about related topics.

Since not that many people know about All Electric Family yet, there weren’t a ton of people following the live stream and asking questions. Still, Katie and Steve are able to provide plenty of insight related the Model X’s towing, efficiency, range, etc.

They talk about the huge discrepancies in efficiency that occur for various reasons, such as weather, wind, and speed. In order to have success towing long-distance with a vehicle like t Tesla, you have to know your vehicle, do your homework, keep track of details, and plan out your route in advance.

Toward the middle of the video, around the 17-minute mark, they arrive at the V3 Supercharger. We get to see their charging speed and time. Check out the video and share some questions and advice for Katie and Steve in our comment section below.

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