Bestmile -the mobility operators’ choice for Safe, Sustainable and Intelligent Mobility Solutions

According to recent research, the COVID-19 crisis stands to be the most abrupt shock to the global economy with the mobility industry being among the hardest hit. Physical distancing and safety requirements change the way people use public transportation and create new operational challenges for the industry stakeholders. The UK mobility sector was badly impacted as well. Innovation of the product and the services the UK transportation provides is necessary to grow and mobility leaders are evaluating and reinventing their core operations.

The Bestmile Solution will help your service answer the new transportation needs and adapt to new customer behaviour.
Many commuters are avoiding enclosed spaces with strangers, including buses, trains, over fears of contacting the virus.The Bestmile Fleet Orchestration Platform will help you provide a service that maintains social distancing, reduces contact between passenger and driver, provides a predictable service for the passengers and enables bookings to be made online. With the Bestmile Platform you will enable your passengers to:

  • book a place on a vehicle through a mobile application or by calling an operator. The reduced capacity of each vehicle is known by the system and bookings are allowed only up to the defined new capacity which will enable social distancing to be maintained.
  • avoid extensive queueing; the passenger has a space reserved on a particular vehicle and will receive real-time notifications about the arrival time.
  • pay the fare electronically at the time of the reservation, ensuring no physical contact between passenger and driver is required to pay for the journey.

Transform your mobility service in on-demand transportation
With public-transit ridership falling 70 to 90 percent in major cities around the world, mobility players must reinvent their operating model and transform it into a safe, sustainable and intelligent one. The flexibility of a dynamic demand-responsive transport (DDRT) service is what public transit needs to become stronger embracing social distancing and new regulations.

The Bestmile Platform will support you redesign your operating model to provide a transportation service that:

  • can easily be extended to additional service zones or use cases to meet specific needs (e.g. underserved areas, hospitals, transport of healthcare workers)
  • has the capacity to manage different types of vehicles in different types of set-ups (e.g. rural, urban)
  • monitors customer numbers and re-plans services in real-time to meet demand. Vehicles can be diverted from under utilised services to meet demand hotspots and enable social distancing.
  • provides real-time service visibility through a fleet Dashboard which shows the vehicle location, capacity and loading, as well as incoming and historical bookings.

Local authorities and transport operators are committed to improve the public transport service and the Bestmile Platform can support every aspect of this transformation: flexibility requirements, real-time visibility and service updates.

The Bestmile Platform is a cloud-based software that can be quickly and easily deployed, usually within a couple of weeks, with no specific office-based computing needs and little involvement from the existing IT.For more details or to arrange a demonstration please contact us at:

Bestmile -the mobility operators’ choice for Safe, Sustainable and Intelligent Mobility Solutions was originally published in Bestmile on Medium, where people are continuing the conversation by highlighting and responding to this story.

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