Thrifty Launches FlexiConnect with Ridecell to Bring Greater Visibility and Reliability to UK Pool Fleets

FlexiConnect makes it easier to run UK pool fleets with a bespoke smartphone app that facilitates keyless entry and ignition New service offers a viable alternative to running an owned or leased pool fleet or grey fleet policy, offering high-specification fully maintained vehicles Latest technology built on the Ridecell Fleet Transformation Cloud allows users instant… Continue reading Thrifty Launches FlexiConnect with Ridecell to Bring Greater Visibility and Reliability to UK Pool Fleets

Ridecell Introduces Fleet Transformation Cloud™ to Accelerate Digital Transformation of Fleet-based Businesses

New Automation Solutions Revolutionize Vehicle Lifecycle Management, Optimize Sustainability, and Fuel Groundbreaking Mobility Solutions SAN FRANCISCO, CA – June 21, 2023 Ridecell, the leading company powering digital transformation for fleet-driven businesses, today announced the Ridecell Fleet Transformation Cloud™, the world’s first industry cloud that simplifies fleet operations, maximizes fleet utilization and unlocks big data insights… Continue reading Ridecell Introduces Fleet Transformation Cloud™ to Accelerate Digital Transformation of Fleet-based Businesses

Ridecell Named Frost & Sullivan Company of the Year

The Ridecell innovative fleet automation platform helps customers achieve digital transformation, adding automated workflows and ensuring operational efficiency SAN FRANCISCO, CA, May 23, 2023 Ridecell, the leading platform powering digital transformations for fleet-driven businesses, today announced its recognition as Frost & Sullivan Company of the Year. This honor acknowledges the Ridecell Fleet Automation and Mobility… Continue reading Ridecell Named Frost & Sullivan Company of the Year

Ridecell Powers Factory Safety Platform for Kanglim

Detections of Safety Risks, Proactive Alerts and Other Safety Measures are Core to Innovative New Solution Designed to Improve Human-Machine Collaboration SAN FRANCISCO, CA, February 22, 2023 Ridecell, the leading platform powering digital transformations for fleet-driven businesses, today announced that Kanglim Co, Ltd, the 40 year-old global leader in specialty industrial vehicles, has chosen the… Continue reading Ridecell Powers Factory Safety Platform for Kanglim

Arval and Ridecell Sign Strategic Partnership to Deploy Next-Generation Shared Mobility Solutions offering Customers Seamless and Global Mobility Cove…

Rueil-Malmaison / San Francisco, CA, January 12, 2022 – Arval, a European leader in full-service leasing and new sustainable mobility solutions, and Ridecell, a global fleet automation and mobility solutions provider, today announce the signature of their strategic partnership with the shared objective of accelerating the development of end-to-end mobility solutions. Ridecell’s fleet automation and… Continue reading Arval and Ridecell Sign Strategic Partnership to Deploy Next-Generation Shared Mobility Solutions offering Customers Seamless and Global Mobility Cove…

wuddi Carsharing, the Shared Mobility subsidiary of the BERESA Group, automates internal fleet management in collaboration with Ridecell

wuddi GmbH, as a subsidiary of BERESA Group, one of the largest Mercedes-Benz dealers in Germany, is using the Ridecell Fleet IoT Automation Platform for its car sharing business to improve operations and meet the growing demand for contactless car rentals after the pandemic. MÜNSTER, Germany, 16 November 2021 wuddi and Ridecell Inc., the leading… Continue reading wuddi Carsharing, the Shared Mobility subsidiary of the BERESA Group, automates internal fleet management in collaboration with Ridecell

Jan 19, 2019, 12:34 ETSpolečnost DeepBlue Technology vyrazí do městských ulic s debutem autobusu „Smart Panda”Společnost DeepBlue Technology představi…

Autobus Smart Panda využívá nejnovější technologie AI v jednom produktu. Některými funkcemi jsou: autopilot, rozeznávání otisku prstů, hlasová interakce, cílená reklama, robot monitorující vozidlo, inteligentní bezobslužný maloobchodní systém, systém sledování abnormálního chování a inteligentní manipulační systém nouzového úniku, který dosud nebyl nikdy implementován ve veřejné dopravě. V inteligentním autobusu Smart Panda mohou cestující jet nakupovat… Continue reading Jan 19, 2019, 12:34 ETSpolečnost DeepBlue Technology vyrazí do městských ulic s debutem autobusu „Smart Panda”Společnost DeepBlue Technology představi…

Jan 18, 2019, 14:16 ETDeepBlue Technology rusza na podbój miast z debiutem Smart Panda BusDnia 18 stycznia tego roku autobus Smart Panda Bus wykorzyst…

Pojazd Smart Panda Bus łączy najnowsze rozwiązania SI w jednym produkcie, w tym funkcję autopilota, rozpoznawanie żył w palcach, polecenia głosowe, dokładne nakierowywanie reklam, robota monitorującego pojazd, inteligentny, autonomiczny system sprzedaży, system monitorowania anormalnych zachowań oraz system inteligentnego zarządzania awaryjnym opuszczeniem pojazdu, który po raz pierwszy trafia do pojazdu w transporcie publicznym. Pasażerowie na pokładzie… Continue reading Jan 18, 2019, 14:16 ETDeepBlue Technology rusza na podbój miast z debiutem Smart Panda BusDnia 18 stycznia tego roku autobus Smart Panda Bus wykorzyst…

Jan 18, 2019, 13:53 ETDeepBlue Technology выводит на городские улицы умный Smart Panda Bus18 января на проходящем в Шанхае Саммите по вопросам будущег…

Новый автобус может похвалиться всеми новейшими ИИ-технологиями. В число его основных особенностей и характеристик входят: автопилот, распознавание отпечатков пальцев, голосовое взаимодействие, актуальная push-реклама, роботизированная система мониторинга состояния автомобиля, интеллектуальные торговые автоматы, система контроля абнормального поведения и «умная» система аварийной эвакуации. Все эти системы и технологии никогда ранее не использовались в общественном транспорте. Пассажиры Smart Panda… Continue reading Jan 18, 2019, 13:53 ETDeepBlue Technology выводит на городские улицы умный Smart Panda Bus18 января на проходящем в Шанхае Саммите по вопросам будущег…

Jan 18, 2019, 12:49 ETDeepBlue Technology vyráža do ulíc miest s prvým „inteligentným panda busom”18. januára predstavila na „Samite budúceho rozvoja …

Inteligentný panda bus využíva hneď niekoľko najnovších technológií umelej inteligencie. Medzi ne patrí: AutoPilot, rozpoznávanie žíl prstov, hlasová interakcia, cielená reklama, robot monitorujúci vozidlo, inteligentný autonómny maloobchodný systém, systém monitorovania abnormálneho správania a inteligentný systém riadenia núdzového úniku, ktorý doteraz vo verejnej doprave nebol použitý. Do inteligentného panda busu môžu cestujúci jednoducho nastúpiť a ísť… Continue reading Jan 18, 2019, 12:49 ETDeepBlue Technology vyráža do ulíc miest s prvým „inteligentným panda busom”18. januára predstavila na „Samite budúceho rozvoja …