New Hampshire Passes Law That Allows Flying Cars

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The famously libertarian state of New Hampshire just passed a law that’ll allow flying cars to drive on its roads — once you’re actually able to buy one, that is.

“There was nothing on the books that would have allowed this type of vehicle on the road,” state representative Sherman Packard, a sponsor of the bill, told NHPR. “To allow them to even exist in New Hampshire we had to pass this type of legislation.”

Road Warrior

The law, CNET points out, doesn’t allow flying cars to actually take to the skies, and it also doesn’t permit them to take off or land on public roads. Another sobering technicality raised by the site: You can’t actually buy a flying car yet, though a growing number of startups and larger companies say they’re working on them.

But, once the vehicles actually go on sale — still a long-deferred dream in aviation — the law will allow them to drive on the states roads, which lawmakers say was not previously legal

Jetson Bill

Jeff Rapsis, the executive director of the Aviation Museum of New Hampshire, told NHPR that initial waves of flying cars likely won’t stick out in traffic, making the law an easy one for motorists to adjust to.

“If you’re driving down the highway you won’t see some unusual air-craft like device coming behind you,” he told the station. “While on the road it will behave very much like a normal car.”

READ MORE: New Hampshire is first state to allow flying cars on the road [CNET]

More on flying cars: Watch This Flying Car Nail Its Flight Demonstration

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