@Daimler: Connectivity retrofit by Mercedes-Benz: more than 500,000 Mercedes me Adapters activated

  • Over half a million vehicles in 33 markets equipped with the Mercedes me Adapter since 2016.
  • Making connectivity available in older model series: vehicle data, services and statistics available at a tap on the user’s smartphone.
  • Starting now, customers can also install the Mercedes me Adapter on their own at home.
  • Popular features: gas station and parking space finder accessed 150,000 times a week on average.

Stuttgart.  Since 2016, Mercedes-Benz has been offering its customers the option of equipping as yet unconnected vehicles from older model series dating back to 2002 with the Mercedes me Adapter. Connecting the adapter with a smartphone means that connectivity services are no longer solely reserved to customers buying new cars. More than half a million vehicles worldwide have been equipped with the adapter to date. The 500,000th adapter was activated in Malaysia. Vehicles retrofitted with the adapter are now on the roads in a total of 33 markets in Europe and the Asian/Pacific region. With Estonia, Lithuania and Cyprus, three more markets will be added this year. Since August this year, customers have had the option of installing the adapter in their Mercedes-Benz cars on their own and without visiting a certified service partner. A self-service installation process in the app guides the user through the individual steps. This makes the activation possible in a matter of minutes.

“Our Mercedes me Adapter allows owners of numerous older Mercedes-Benz model series to enjoy the benefits of a connected vehicle. And setting up older cars for the world of Mercedes me is now even more comfortable: the new self-service installation option for use at home is simple and saves our customers valuable time”, says Britta Seeger, Member of the Board of Management of Daimler AG and Mercedes-Benz AG, responsible for Marketing & Sales.

Vehicle data and services conveniently available on the user’s smartphone

The activation requires the installation of the Mercedes me Adapter, a Mercedes me user account and a connection with the Mercedes me Adapter App. Information is read out from the vehicle and uploaded in the app via Bluetooth®. The app offers Mercedes-Benz owners various functions from four central areas: my vehicle, mobility, statistics and service. The integrated gas station and parking space finder is among the most commonly used features, with customers accessing this function an average of 150,000 times a week. This function shows gas stations in the surrounding area together with their fuel prices and opening hours, and indicates available parking spaces at nearby car parks, including parking costs. Another popular function is the telediagnostics, via which the app outputs a warning message to alert the user directly to any malfunctions or problems relating to the vehicle. On their smartphone, customers can keep an eye on everything – from low oil level through low battery voltage to critical tyre pressure. The app informs the dealer automatically when a service is due. Customers can book an appointment online in the app and contact their service partner and a 24-hour hotline directly on the phone or by email as well.

In addition to features on everyday topics such as parking, refuelling and navigation, the Mercedes me Adapter App also provides information on the vehicle and services for the owner. Factors such as fuel level, engine oil and coolant temperature, engine load and intake temperature are depicted in what is known as the Cockpit. The individual driving style is analysed via the Driver Score feature. This documents the driver’s acceleration and braking behaviour to enable comfortable and economical driving. Previous journeys and refuelling stops can be viewed in the Statistics area – the list is exportable and can serve as a basis for creating a log. The app reminds the user automatically when the tyre pressure or oil level need a checking or when the next service is due, indicating the remaining time and mileage.

Best Customer Experience 4.0: customer demands in the digital age

The Mercedes me Adapter is an integral part of the sales initiative “Best Customer Experience 4.0” in the division Mercedes-Benz Cars. With “Best Customer Experience 4.0”, the brand Mercedes-Benz focuses on the changing customer requirements in the digital age. Customers should be offered a seamless and convenient luxury experience whenever they want to enter into contact with Mercedes-Benz – regardless of the time, place or channel they are using. That is why Mercedes-Benz is seamlessly blending its physical retail with the digital channels and is redesigning it with innovative store and location concepts. At the same time, the company expects to achieve a quarter of its global passenger car sales together with its sales partners through online channels by 2025. The digitalisation of sales also includes the workshop and after-sales business: Mercedes-Benz expects that 80 percent of all service appointments will be booked online by 2025. Customers will receive individual offers and appointment suggestion which they can easily accept with just one click. The cornerstone for the further development of sales in line with current customer needs was already laid in 2013 with “Best Customer Experience” in order to make new and existing customers the access to Mercedes-Benz products and services even easier.

Please find the latest news, information and communication material about BCE 4.0 on Mercedes me media: https://media.mercedes-benz.com/bce

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