FCA and Piedmont Region in favor of the environment: an area of ​​La Mandria will become a sustainable park

FCA owns an area within the La Mandria regional park that was once used as a track for the development and testing of Fiat vehicles.

Beyond the ordinary maintenance interventions, the property intends to use the area transforming it into a sustainable park in which to develop innovative activities and ideas aimed at promoting a green culture of the territory as an innovation hub and co-working, thus allowing further increase the biodiversity already present.

During a visit carried out in recent days, the Councilors of Heritage and the Environment of the Piedmont Region were able to appreciate the specificities of the Park and the area concerned, a real green laboratory in a nutshell.

In light of these perspectives and, in full compliance with the rules of the Park, it is therefore strategic to launch a technical table that includes a process to define the new regulatory system for the use of this area, which will certainly involve the Piedmont Region and the three municipalities concerned (Fiano, La Cassa and Druento)

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