Europa Press: Nissan says Acciona has rejected a new contract and is preparing to internalize000480

Acciona workers warn that they will resort to judicial means and “a social war”
The management of Nissan Motor Ibérica has confirmed this Saturday that Acciona, as a subcontracted company, has rejected the proposal to sign a new contract until December 31, 2021 – thus ending the consultation period by the Acciona ERE without agreement – , so you will prepare to internalize your services.
As reported by Nissan in a statement, while the Japanese multinational has tried to reach an agreement to solve the situation, “unfortunately this proposal has been rejected by Acciona’s management.”
“With great regret for Acciona’s decision, the only viable option for Nissan is to prepare for the internalization of the services that Acciona had been providing us until August 10, 2020,” he concluded.
This same Saturday, Acciona workers have warned that, after the management of the company and the Labor Inspectorate have closed the consultation period, there is “no other way than to go to court and start a social war “.
“For this reason, for next Monday the 28th, the entire Acciona workforce at 5 in the morning at the lathes of the Nissan Zona Franca factory. Stop the factory!”, They have announced in a statement.

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