Announcing Monthly Invoicing: ACH, Bank Wires and credit cards

Flexible invoice payments + pre-established invoicing workflows with third-party accounting vendors

By: Vishal Patel

Mapbox is now accepting two new payment methods — ACH and Bank Wire — as part of our new Monthly Invoicing (public beta), letting Finance teams manage payments from their secure company-approved payment methods of choice.

Monthly Invoicing provides a flexible alternative billing solution to lighten accounting workloads. No more wrangling with “no credit cards for vendor software” policies or jumping through hoops with the Finance team to expense charges made to personal credit cards.

Direct insights for Finance teams

Invoices and payment status updates can be automatically emailed directly to the Finance team, giving them direct insight into software expenses and relieving account owners of a critical operational workflow.

Schedule payments

While invoices are due upon receipt, this gives everyone time to coordinate with their Finance team and review expenses instead of being charged immediately. More payment schedule flexibility also allows pre-established invoicing workflows with third-party accounting vendors.

“Requiring a credit card on file was a huge headache for us. Our department wasn’t given a corporate credit card, so Mapbox invoices were charged to a personal credit card. We would have to submit the expense and get reimbursed, which could take months. Being on Monthly Invoicing has been easy; I now submit my expenses to Finance and they take care of the rest!”
-David Yamamoto, Senior GIS Developer at UCLA

“At OAG we require Finance approval for any vendor expenses and cannot use a credit card to pay for vendor invoices. With Mapbox’s Monthly Invoicing, I am able to adhere to our internal policies which has alleviated a major pain point for me.”
-Matt Colling, EVP Product Strategy at

Sign up for Monthly Invoicing

If Monthly Invoicing is right for your organization reach out to an Account Manager or connect with an Account Manager to submit an enrollment request. To qualify for Monthly Invoicing, your account must be in good standing and have demonstrated consistently high spend over the last six months.

Vishal Patel – Senior Product Manager, Billing – Mapbox | LinkedIn

Maps feature data from Mapbox and OpenStreetMap and their data partners.

Announcing Monthly Invoicing: ACH, Bank Wires and credit cards was originally published in maps for developers on Medium, where people are continuing the conversation by highlighting and responding to this story.

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