OEMs Address Global & Regional Differences of In-Vehicle Entertainment: Audio Interview

GlobalAutoIndustry.com’s latest Audio Interview “OEMs Address Global & Regional Differences of In-
Vehicle Entertainment” features Nils Wollny. Nils is CEO and co-founder of holoride, a spin-out from Audi focusing on the next generation of in-car entertainment. At holoride, Nils is responsible for developing and executing strategies to support the company’s mission of turning transit time into valuable time, making people on the go happier, smarter and even more productive. holoride has been named the “Best of CES 2019” and acknowledged by TIME Magazine as one of “The 100 Best Inventions of 2019.”

In the 14-minute Audio Interview, Wollny discusses these questions:
– How are OEMs addressing in-vehicle entertainment today?
– What do you see the future of in-vehicle entertainment looking like?
– How can OEMs address differences in car buyer needs in different regions?
– How can OEMs adapt to changing consumer behavior?
– What is the future of the automotive industry?

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