@Daimler: Daimler Sustainability Dialogue 2020: Exchange on sustainability also in challenging times

  • More than 200 participants discuss topics such as climate action, data responsibility and respect of human rights as important components of sustainable mobility
  • Sustainability in times of Covid-19 as another focus of the 13th edition of the Daimler Sustainability Dialogue
  • Event digital for the first time this year with publicly accessible sustainability marketplace

Stuttgart – On November 5, 2020, the Daimler Sustainability Dialogue brings together more than 200 representatives from business, science, politics, NGOs, associations, trade unions and communities in the digital realm. The participants address various sustainability aspects in working groups at the Dialogue.

The exchange on the subject of the environment includes discussions on how the automotive industry can expedite the fight against climate change. Daimler has already defined concrete goals for its contribution to climate action with Ambition 2039: The new vehicle fleet of Mercedes-Benz Cars is to be CO2-neutral by 2039 and is no longer to have any relevant impacts on inner-city air quality. The company aims to achieve more than 50 percent of its passenger car sales with plug-in hybrids or all-electric vehicles as early as 2030. In addition, the production in Daimler’s own Mercedes-Benz car and van plants worldwide will be CO2-neutral already from 2022.

The agenda of the working group on the subject of human rights includes the Human Rights Respect System – Daimler’s strategic approach to respecting human rights both for its own majority-owned companies and for its supply chains – and the associated operational challenges. The current debate on a potential supply chain law is also a subject of the exchange.

One focus of this year’s event also is on how to deal with sustainability issues in times of the corona pandemic. One thing is clear for Daimler in this context: The company holds fast to its goals despite Covid-19 and is systematically expanding its activities with a view to sustainability. Other topics discussed at the Dialogue are livable cities, traffic safety, data responsibility, integrity and people, partnerships as well as social responsibility as important components of sustainable mobility.

A complex interactive online event platform with an auditorium, exhibition hall and workshop rooms was set up for the Daimler Sustainability Dialogue, on which the event takes place entirely virtually for the first time due to the corona pandemic. The new format allows significantly expanding the group of participants and subsequently making part of the event also accessible to the public: Anyone interested can visit a sustainability marketplace to learn about important milestones of the sustainable business strategy of Daimler, for example.

Since 2008, the Daimler Sustainability Dialogue has been bringing together sustainability experts from different areas and Daimler representatives, including several members of the Board of Daimler AG. They discuss current and future sustainability issues, assess progress as well as deficits and risks, and define resulting needs for action. Many ideas enter directly into the work of Daimler. The company seeks the exchange with stakeholders also in important international markets.

Daimler’s sustainable business strategy

To Daimler, sustainability means creating lasting value for all stakeholders – customers, employees, investors, business partners and society as a whole. The basis for this is Daimler’s sustainable business strategy. In it, the company takes responsibility for the economic, ecological and social effects of its business activities and looks at the entire value chain.

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