California voters approved Proposition 22, keeping ride-share and food delivery drivers as contractors — here’s what that means for companies like Uber, Lyft, Instacart, DoorDash and their workers (UBER, LYFT)

  • California voters approved Proposition 22, a legislation that keeps rideshare and food delivery drivers as “independent contractors” who do not qualify for state and local employee benefits like minimum wage, healthcare, or paid time off.
  • The ballot measure, backed by Uber, Lyft, Instacart, and DoorDash, exempts firms from AB-5, a state law that would have forced them to classify gig workers as employees.
  • Prop 22 requires gig companies to provide a smaller array of benefits, such as healthcare subsidies, some money for expenses, and an earnings floor for the hours where they’re actively driving a passenger or delivering food.
  • There are still unknowns and major changes won’t occur in the near-term, but labor experts tell Business Insider workers may get more than they had before but less than they would have as employees.
  • Visit Business Insider’s homepage for more stories.

After the most expensive ballot fight in California’s history, voters on Tuesday passed Proposition 22, keeping rideshare and food delivery workers as contractors by exempting the companies they work for from the state’s landmark gig work law, AB-5.

Voters favored Prop 22 by a margin of approximately 58.4% to 41.6%, according to the California Secretary of State, though the results won’t be certified until as late as December 11.

Prop 22’s passage is a major victory for companies like Uber, Lyft, Instacart, DoorDash, GrubHub, and Postmates that rely heavily on gig workers — Uber and Lyft gained a combined $13 billion in market value following the news.

Due to some vagueness in how the law was written, a lack of reliable data about drivers’ current earnings, and some companies having yet to share detailed plans about how they’ll roll out new benefits, a lot of questions remain about how Prop 22 will ultimately impact companies and workers.

But because Uber, Lyft, and others had not classified workers as employees after AB-5 passed in late 2019, many aspects of gig work will remain unchanged once Prop 22 kicks in.

Here’s what we know so far about the changes companies and gig workers can expect in the near term.

Who will this impact?

Tuesday’s vote was the culmination of a yearslong fight between the rideshare companies and gig worker organizations demanding workers get better protections under the law. 

Uber and Lyft keep labor costs low by classifying drivers as “independent contractors” instead of hiring them as employees. The distinction is important, as only employees get legal benefits like minimum wage, paid time off, and healthcare. 

Uber and Lyft argue employing drivers means they lost their ability to decide their own hours, and that most drivers don’t work on the platform full-time. But one survey of gig drivers in Seattle found that 33% of drivers who worked more than 32 hours per week accounted for 55% of trips, suggesting drivers who do work full-time may perform more work for the company than part-time drivers. 

“They should have been, by law, classified as employees, but never got the full employee benefits,” Saba Waheed, a research director at the University of California at Los Angeles Labor Center, told Business Insider. “This is basically creating a whole new employer classification with its own set of terms.”

After years of back and forth between legislators and Uber and Lyft executives, California passed Assembly Bill 5 (AB-5) into law in 2019 decreasing the ability for companies to classify workers as independent contractors.  

Uber and Lyft pushed back immediately, eventually leading to the companies creating and funding the statewide Proposition 22 ballot initiative

While AB-5 applies to all employers in California, Prop 22 enshrines independent contractor status only for “app-based drivers” — that is, rideshare drivers, food and grocery delivery couriers, and others who work for transportation or delivery “network companies” that use online platforms.

That means Uber, Lyft, and a handful of other smaller rideshare companies, such as kid-focused apps like HopSkipDrive, as well as Instacart, DoorDash, Grubhub, Postmates, and other delivery companies will be able to keep classifying those workers as contractors, while other businesses will continue to be bound by AB-5.

What changes are these companies required to make?

For companies that use gig workers in California, key changes fall into four broad categories: working conditions and labor rights, pay, healthcare subsidies and insurance coverage, and safety and discrimination policies.

1. Working conditions

Part of Prop 22 simply writes into law aspects of gig work that drivers already enjoyed: companies can’t require drivers to work specific hours or days, set minimum weekly hours, or force workers to accept a specific delivery or work only for one company.

Importantly, companies will also legally be required to let drivers appeal account deactivations, though it doesn’t specify what that process must look like. Drivers long complained that Uber, Lyft and other companies have deactivated their accounts for unclear reasons and respond slowly — if at all — to their appeals, so it’s not clear whether that process will improve under Prop 22. 

2. Compensation

Companies cannot take tips from gig workers, and must set an “earning floor,” or minimum level of compensation. Prop 22 sets that floor equal to 120% of the minimum wage in the area drivers pick up a passenger or delivery, but only for “engaged time” — that is, the total hours drivers spend actually completing trips or deliveries, excluding the hours in between jobs.

But drivers spend only a fraction of their day completing trips. UC Berkeley researchers found engaged time amounts to just 67% of the day drivers spend working; the remaining 33% of the day is spent waiting for passengers and returning from far-distance trips. Multiple gig economy researchers told Business Insider that, with companies off the hook for non-engaged time, they will be incentivized to maximize the number of drivers on the road, which will reduce wait times for customers but could also push drivers’ wages down.

“Not paying for that time would be the equivalent of a fast food restaurant or retail store saying they will only pay the cashier when a customer is at the counter,” UC Berkeley’s Ken Jacobs and Michael Reich wrote.

Drivers will also get a modest $0.30 per mile for expenses during “engaged time” in 2021 (and adjusted for inflation in future years). The IRS standard per-mile rate, in contrast, is $0.575 for 2020.

Ultimately, Prop 22 still gives gig companies the authority to decide how much commission they’ll take per ride or delivery through per-mile and per-minute rates. That’s a big potential loophole, Harry Campbell, author of the popular blog The Rideshare Guy, told Business Insider.

“That’s what drivers are potentially worried about right now, that if they gained some benefits … a lot of drivers — myself included — are skeptical that [gig companies] won’t take it away in some other area.”

3. Healthcare subsidy

Companies will soon be required to provide a healthcare “subsidy” for some drivers under Prop 22, but the details are a bit tricky.

Drivers who average between 15 and 25 engaged hours per week on a single platform — over the course of an entire quarter — will be eligible to receive a stipend from that company, equivalent to 50% of what’s required under the Affordable Care Act, to spend on qualifying healthcare plans. Drivers who average 25 hours per week or more for the entire quarter can receive a stipend equal to 100% of that amount. (Drivers can qualify for stipends from multiple companies if, for example, they averaged 15 engaged hours per week for Uber and, on top of that, 15 hours for Lyft).

However, drivers must be enrolled in a qualifying plan, and even then will still end up paying some of their premium.

Noah Lang, CEO of Stride Health, which helps gig workers find healthcare plans, told Business Insider that, while premiums vary widely by age, the 100% Prop 22 stipend will likely cover 82% of the average monthly premium for the most basic ACA plan in California, while the 50% stipend will cover around 41%. That average is around $450, so drivers could expect in that case to receive around $370 if they average 25 hours or more per week or $185 if they average between 15 and 25 hours, Lang said.

There are some nuances to this subsidy, Lang said, noting that it won’t be paid out until the end of each quarter (he advised drivers to get a qualifying plan now as California is currently in open enrollment), and the subsidy will be treated as (tax-deductible) earned income, so drivers should be tracking it as such.

4. Safety and discrimination policies

Ride-share companies must cover medical expenses up to $1 million, and lost income due to injuries suffered on the job. The company must also pay accidental death insurance, and disability payments amounting to 66% of a driver’s weekly earnings.

The law also prohibits companies from discriminating against drivers based on race, religion, age, disability, sexual orientation, and other factors. A group of former Uber drivers filed a lawsuit in October accusing the company of “intentional race discrimination” by firing them for low-star ratings, which they say skew negatively for drivers of color. 

Finally, Prop 22 will require ride-share companies to protect drivers and riders from sexual harassment. Drivers and riders have slammed the company for years for lack of protection against sexual assault and harassment.

When will they make these changes?

With the exception of Lyft, the major gig economy companies have been mostly quiet about how and when they’ll start offering these benefits to drivers — though they’ve likely already started some preparations. Since Prop 22 won’t become law until five days after California certifies the election results, drivers may have to wait until December 16.

Lyft released a “fact-sheet” saying it will start offering Prop 22 benefits as soon as California certifies the election results, including reviewing drivers’ earnings beginning roughly two weeks after Prop 22 becomes law and issuing back wages for anyone who made less than 120% of the minimum wage for their total engaged hours. Lyft said drivers who show proof of health insurance can begin receiving subsidies in 2021.

Here’s what other companies told Business Insider about their plans:

  • Uber, in a message to drivers: “We’ll be back in touch in the next few weeks with more details about what to expect, and how to enroll in and make the most of these new benefits.”
  • Instacart: “We’ll be sharing detailed information with the California shopper community over the coming weeks so they know what to expect when these changes are rolled out.”
  • DoorDash: The company said it expects the law to go into effect December 16, but could change.
  • GrubHub: “We’re making these protections available to our California drivers consistent with the requirements of the proposition.”
  • Postmates: The company did not comment on whether couriers can expect changes in the coming weeks.

Who wins with Prop 22?

Uber, Lyft, and other gig companies — and their investors — who spent millions of dollars to bypass AB-5 win with Prop 22 because of the amount they’ll save on labor costs, which Campbell estimates to be around 30% per driver. Drivers who use one or multiple apps part-time for supplemental income may also benefit.

Drivers who work full-time on one app or multiple apps — and rely on ridesharing as their main source of income — lost the chance to get healthcare, minimum wage, and other federal and local employment benefits guaranteed to full-time employees under California law.

“They’re going to get more than they did when they were independent contractors … but they will miss out on a bunch of employee benefits they would have had, had [Prop 22] not passed. So, things like sick time, overtime, unemployment benefits, employer-provided healthcare,” Waheed said.

Campbell said he’s “cautiously optimistic” that many drivers could end up earning 5-10% more, which he expects consumers to pay for via higher fares, as Uber and Lyft are still unprofitable. But Uber, for example, could also roll back some (popular) perks they offered drivers in anticipation of Prop 22 failing, such as some ability to set their own fares or surge pricing and see a passenger’s destination before accepting a ride.

Adam Stocker, a transportation and sustainability researcher at the University of California at Berkeley, told Business Insider that the environment could also lose out under Prop 22, as companies are incentivized to flood big cities with drivers.

Finally, non-app based freelancers in California who lost work from AB-5’s limitation still cannot work as independent contractors, as they do not qualify for Prop 22’s provisions.

Can the law ever be changed?

Prop 22 will be immensely difficult to change. Any amendment would require a seven-eights majority in both houses of the state legislature. That requirement also applies to any law allowing an organization to help drivers negotiate better “compensation, benefits, or working conditions,” such as labor unions or driver advocacy groups.

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