German Handelsblatt: Power struggle at VW: Volkswagen boss Herbert Diess: “Will fulfill contract by 2023” 000902

VW boss Herbert Diess

Wolfsburg Volkswagen boss Herbert Diess expects an early solution in the debate about filling top jobs at the car manufacturer. “I am confident that we will get a decision in the next few weeks,” he told Wirtschaftswoche.
The situation is not easy, but will not allow any further delay, the manager said. The position of the purchasing director has been vacant for a long time. “We can no longer afford that because there are many important decisions to be made,” said Diess.
At Volkswagen, the positions of CFO and Purchasing Director have to be filled. In addition, a possible early contract extension for CEO Diess should be decided. The presidium of the VW supervisory board had not yet made a decision this week.
Recently there has been speculation about the future of Diess at the world’s largest automaker. The CEO should feel slowed down by the employees when it comes to important personnel proposals and the accelerated restructuring of the group. There was even speculation about the premature exit of the CEO.

“The personal details are a complex matter in which the various stakeholders – the works council, the owner families, the state of Lower Saxony – want to be taken along,” said Diess of the “Wirtschaftswoche”. Regarding his future, Diess said that his contract would run until 2023. “And I plan to fulfill this contract.”
However, he will have to do without his head of communications. On Thursday it became known that the Head of Volkswagen Group Communications, Peik von bestebostel, will be relinquishing his post on January 1st.
In the power struggle with VW works council boss Osterloh, however, Diess strikes a conciliatory tone: He doesn’t play against Osterloh, but with him in the same team: “Of course we play in different positions. But we try to mostly pass balls to each other. ”
More: The power struggle at VW casts a bad light on German industry

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