German Handelsblatt: New software unit: BMW wants to compete with Tesla and Google with a new operating system001000


With the model, BMW wants to introduce its new operating concept, which works almost exclusively via screens and voice control.

(Photo: BMW)

Munich The car manufacturer BMW is working flat out on a new operating system for its vehicles. The new system, which is intended to replace the OS7 version, will be used for the first time in the new BMW “iX” electric SUV, which will be launched in 2021. “The iX will be a milestone in terms of networking and usability,” promises Christoph Grote in an interview with Handelsblatt.
The head of the newly created BMW “Digital Car” unit has ambitious goals: “From this model we will roll out the system very quickly to the rest of the model range.”
With its ability to update cars on a larger scale with new software, BMW currently sees itself as a leader among German automakers. Across the world, Tesla and Google in particular are constantly creating new innovations in the field. Tesla had equipped its fleet with a uniform operating system from the start and regularly updates the software in its fleet.
The IT group Google, on the other hand, is entering the market with an operating system that has been completely redeveloped for the automotive industry and is also constantly updated. The two newcomers are putting the traditional car manufacturers under massive pressure: They regularly add new functions to their systems, improve navigation and increase the performance of the vehicle batteries with updates.

BMW now wants to react to this. Around 4,000 software engineers have been working under Grote’s leadership in the “Digital Car” unit since October. Whereas the technological competencies used to be spread across the purchasing, finance, development and sales departments within the group, the “digital car” is now controlled directly by the development department.
“The digital car structure brings more operational penetration and speed,” says Grote. The next goal is the new “iX” electric car: BMW intends to introduce its new operating concept for this model, which can be controlled almost exclusively via screens and voice. In addition, the car should be 5G-capable, so the software should be kept up-to-date “over the air”.

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