Ferrari, 7,500 euro bonus to employees for 2020


The Prancing Horse signs the agreement with the trade unions on the recognition of competitiveness. Fifty hires for the beginning of 2021

Ferrari: record fourth quarter, but 2020 net profit down to -13%

The Prancing Horse signs the agreement with the trade unions on the recognition of competitiveness. Fifty hires for the beginning of 2021

February 7, 2021

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Employees of Ferrari’s Italian plants will receive a competitiveness bonus for 2020 for a total base value of 7,500 euros gross. This value can be re-measured based on the number of absences, among which those for Covid are not counted. This was announced by the Maranello company to the trade unions signing the agreement on the competitiveness bonus. Ferrari employees in 2020 increased by 6.3% to over 4,500 worldwide, most of them in Italy.

Absences for Covid not counted

The recognition of the award – explains the Maranello company – is added to the important measures already shared that make it possible to consider as working days even those of the period of suspension of production, from March 16 to May 4, 2020. During these seven weeks the employees , whose job was incompatible with remote work, received a regular salary, without resorting to social safety nets but with paid leave paid by the company. Absences that, on the basis of specific certifications, are caused by the extraordinary event of the pandemic will not be considered for the purpose of calculating the amount of the Award.

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Fifty hires in 2021

All these measures will allow the vast majority of workers to obtain a premium plus 7 percent. The number of employees continues to grow: in 2021 there is already the hiring of 50 new employees in the Maranello plant, for the transition to the two shifts of the 8-cylinder bodywork department scheduled between April and May. In April, Ferrari introduced the “Back on Track” program to tackle the epidemic with the aim of making the workplace safer and promoting the psychophysical well-being of employees.

Employee serological tests

The company was among the first to offer workers and their families serological tests on a voluntary basis (over 25,000 tests delivered) and the first in the Emilia Romagna region to introduce rapid swabs last November (over 15,000 administrations). During 2020, Ferrari provided, in compliance with the anti-contagion legislation, over 63 thousand hours of training to employees, largely remotely, up by about 11% compared to the 57 thousand hours in 2019. Despite the difficulties, even last year the company organized the Summer Center for over 330 children of employees. It also provided 57 scholarships for the most deserving students.

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