Renault: electric cars still weigh on profitability

Posted on Feb 22, 2019 2021 at 6:55 updated on 22 feb. 2021 at 7:37

The electric car has finally taken off , at least in Europe, and the manufacturers welcome it, at least officially. But is this such good news? Will this not weigh heavily on their profitability? It will certainly be difficult to draw lessons from the 2020 accounts because the impact of the health crisis will be much higher than a possible dilution linked to battery vehicles.

Especially since the volumes are still low compared to the total sales posted by the behemoths of the sector: 231,600 100% electric vehicles in 2020 at Volkswagen (out of a total of 9.3 million), or around 120,000 at Renault (out of 2.9 million). In any case, the question tormented manufacturers a few years ago, when it was necessary to invest heavily in this new technology without being certain that it would take off.

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