The smartvideo is consolidated as the tool preferred by customers in the automotive sector

March 5, 2021
Posted by: Jorge Platero
Categories: Faconauto News, partners

El smartvídeo se consolida como la herramienta preferida por los clientes en el sector del automóvil

These types of tools help dealers to reinforce the customer experience and enhance the digital channel.

The pandemic is leaving us with great changes in the way to sell vehicles at the dealership. The digital channel has increased its weight in recent months and with it other tools such as smart video have been consolidated. In fact, this technology has not stopped growing becoming the tool of choice for customers in the automotive sector and dealers.

Proof of this is the growth of CiNOW Iberia, a pioneer company in the development of smart video technology. In 2020 they have experienced a growth of 30% with the incorporation of 130 dealers. There are already 550 distribution points in Spain and Portugal that have their services. Most of the additions belong to premium brands.

In an especially difficult year, CitNOW Iberia has recovered and exceeded the pace of production and sending of videos prior to that of the pandemic. The more than 7 million videos made show that this type of technological solutions has taken hold in distribution networks. The phenomenon is directly linked to the acceleration in demand for digital solutions. Especially those that contribute to enhancing the digital customer experience.

In addition, the CitNOW Sales app offers dealers the ability to respond to a lead with a smart video. In this way, you are creating an emotional bond with the client that is incomparable with other traditional communication methods.

Forecasts for 2021

In today’s uncertain and more competitive auto sales environment, using all the tools to aid sales and improve the customer experience becomes a survival goal.

On the other hand, the massive use of the Internet, a channel in which video consumption has skyrocketed to an estimated 82% of all traffic, makes it necessary to provide communication solutions in line with the progressive trend of digitization.

Therefore, it is expected that in 2021 this great trend will continue to unfold. The videos made by the entity have a rating with a spectacular average score of 4’89 out of 5 by customers. The good customer experience is reinforced by the many positive comments left by the dealership.

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