PSA could leave the capital of Gefco


By Christophe Jaussaud, the 27/03/2018

PSA pourrait sortir du capital de Gefco

PSA still owns 25% of the capital of its former subsidiary.

After selling 75% of Gefco in 2012, PSA thinks today to separate from the 25% it still has.

Capital movements continue in logistics. Indeed, after the CAT had bought STVAit would be Gefco’s turn again to see its capital evolve. Today controlled 75% by the Russian Railways (RZD), after a transaction of 800 million euros with PSA in 2012, Gefco could see the French out of its capital.

According to our colleagues in the newspaper Les Echos, the French manufacturer has “put on sale” its stake of 25%. Joined by AFP, the PSA spokesman said, as he had done with Echos, “note that Gefco’s operational performance and the diversification of its customer portfolio no longer make it necessary for its presence in the capital”, but assures that “no operation is identified at this stage”.

Today, Gefco has 13,000 employees worldwide and achieved a turnover of 4.2 billion euros in 2016. (with AFP)

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