Statistics – Economic and Market Report: key takeaways about the EU auto industry for 2017

ACEA has published its Economic and Market Report for the fourth quarter of 2017, with the latest figures on the registration, production and trade of passenger cars and commercial vehicles, both in Europe and around the world.

This 28-page Economic and Market Report contains a wealth of information and can be downloaded by clicking here. Some of the report’s key takeaways include:

Passenger car registrations

Car sales increased by 3.8% across the European continent in 2017.
In the United States, passenger car volumes went down by 3.3% in 2017.
Globally, some 80 million passenger cars were sold in 2017 (+3.2%).

Passenger car registrations by fuel type

In 2017, diesel’s market share fell from 49.9% to 44.8% of total EU-15 car registrations. However, this drop was largely offset by an increase in petrol car sales.
Petrol vehicles are now the most sold car type in the EU-15 (49.4% market share).

Passenger car production

The EU accounted for more than 21% of global car production in 2017.
Chinese car production grew only moderately (+4.4%) in 2017.

Exports of passenger cars

5.6 million cars were exported by the EU last year, worth €127.7 billion.

Commercial vehicle production

Commercial vehicle output in Europe grew by 2.9% in 2017.

Exports of commercial vehicles

EU commercial vehicle exports increased by 4.3% to €10.8 billion in 2017.

If you have any additional questions about this Economic and Market Report, please contact the ACEA Statistics department

This report’s information was presumed correct at the time of publication. ACEA is not responsible for any inconsistencies or errors in the data.



Download Economic and Market Report – Quarter 4 2017