According to VW and Daimler: US lawyers also sue BMW – allegation exhaust fraud

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According to VW and Daimler US lawyers also sue BMW – allegation exhaust fraud

BMW X5: Fahrzeuge auch diesen Typs stehen in den USA im Verdacht, unter falschen Umweltversprechen verkauft worden zu sein


BMW X5: Vehicles of this type are suspected in the US to have been sold under false environmental promises

BMW is now facing legal problems in the United States on suspicion of fraud in exhaust emissions. A law firm has filed suit against the car maker on behalf of consumers. “Tens of thousands” models have been sold under false promises, the lawyers accuse the car maker.

As now the sixth carmaker now threatening BMW a US lawsuit for alleged exhaust gas fraud in diesel cars. US customers accuse the German manufacturer – similar to Volkswagen – of having manipulated emission values ​​with a special software. This is clear from the complaint, which was filed on Tuesday in a court in the US state of New Jersey.

Behind the lawsuit is the US law firm Hagens Berman, which has filed similar class action lawsuits against Volkswagen, Fiat Chrysler, General Motors, Daimler and Ford. So far, this only had expensive consequences for VW.

“We do not comment on the ongoing proceedings,” said a US spokesman for BMW in response to a statement in a statement. At the moment, we are dealing with the complaint thoroughly to understand what BMW is accused of. In principle, however, applies that BMW cars are not manipulated and are in compliance with all legal requirements.

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Specifically, the US lawsuit is about “tens of thousands” of X5 and 335d models that were allegedly sold between 2009 and 2013 under false promises of environmental sustainability. The pollutant emissions exceed the US limit by up to 27 times, it is said in the lawsuit.

The allegations are also directed against the supplier Bosch, who had advised the US scandal in the VW scandal.

BMW in turn had declared in late February, “erroneously” a faulty exhaust gas software installed in thousands of vehicles. Therefore, 11,700 cars should be recalled worldwide. The prosecutor Munich I determined because of the scandal and was in the past week, the headquarters search.

Rei / dpa

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